Tuesday 200929 – Workout of the Day


Front Squat (2-2-2-2)

* New set every 90 seconds
*80% of 1RM – Same weight for all sets
*5th-8th sets are 3 reps

Front Squat (3-3-3-3)

* New set every 90 seconds
*80% of 1RM – Same weight for all sets
*5th-8th sets are 3 reps

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15:00 Amrap
3 Rounds
25 Toes to Bar
25 Push Ups
Max Rounds
50 Double Under
25m Double Dumbbell Front rack walking lunge 20/16

*Score is only number of rounds and reps of DU and Lunge couplet
*Lunge counts as 5 reps. Mark every 5m